animals that start with E

When it comes to the diverse world of animals, there are numerous fascinating creatures to explore. In this particular context, we will embark on an exploration of animals whose names begin with the letter E. From the vast array of wildlife across the globe, we will encounter a variety of unique and remarkable species, each with its own distinctive traits and adaptations. Let’s dive into the captivating realm of animals that start with “E” and discover the wonders they hold.

Here’s a list of 10 animals that start with E:

1. Elephant:


The elephant is a remarkable and majestic land mammal known for its large size, long trunk, and distinctive tusks. These highly intelligent creatures are social beings that inhabit diverse environments, including savannas, forests, and grasslands. They communicate using vocalizations, body language, and even infrasound, forming tight-knit family groups that care for their young.

2. Eagle:

Eagles are iconic birds of prey with powerful bodies, sharp beaks, and keen eyesight. They’re known for their impressive hunting skills, often targeting small mammals, birds, and fish. These magnificent birds soar through the skies with grace, and their distinctive calls can be heard echoing across their habitats, which range from mountains to coastal areas.

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3. Eel:

Eels are fascinating aquatic creatures with elongated, snake-like bodies and smooth, slimy skin. They’re known for their unique life cycle, starting as transparent larvae in the open ocean and later transforming into the more recognizable, elongated form. Eels are found in both freshwater and saltwater environments, with some species capable of covering astonishing distances during migrations.

4. Emu:

The emu is a flightless bird native to Australia, distinguished by its long legs, neck, and distinctive appearance. These large birds are renowned for their speed and agility, capable of running at considerable speeds and covering vast distances. Emus have a unique booming call that resonates across their habitats, which include open grasslands and forests.

5. Echidna:

Echidnas, also known as spiny anteaters, are fascinating monotreme mammals found in Australia and New Guinea. Covered in spines and coarse hair, they have a distinct appearance. Echidnas lay eggs, and their young are hatched from leathery eggs similar to reptiles. These remarkable creatures use their long, sticky tongues to capture ants and termites, their primary source of food.

6. Elephant Seal:

Elephant seals are marine mammals known for their size and distinctive elongated noses, particularly in males. These seals spend the majority of their lives in the ocean, coming ashore for breeding, birthing, and molting. They are impressive divers, capable of descending to great depths and remaining submerged for extended periods while hunting for prey.

7. Egret:

Egrets are elegant wading birds recognizable by their long legs, slender bodies, and graceful demeanor. They often inhabit wetland environments, including marshes, swamps, and shores of lakes or rivers. These birds are skilled hunters, using their sharp beaks to catch fish, frogs, and other small aquatic creatures.

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8. Eastern Gray Squirrel:

The Eastern gray squirrel is a common rodent species found in North America. With its bushy tail, soft fur, and adaptable nature, this squirrel is a familiar sight in urban and suburban areas. Eastern gray squirrels are known for their agility and their role in seed dispersal, as they bury nuts and contribute to the growth of forests.

9. Eastern Box Turtle:

The Eastern box turtle is a terrestrial reptile known for its unique ability to close its hinged shell completely for protection. These turtles are commonly found in North America, inhabiting woodlands, grasslands, and meadows. They have distinct patterns on their shells and are known for their slow and deliberate movements.

10. Eurasian Lynx:

The Eurasian lynx is a medium-sized wildcat native to European and Siberian forests. Recognizable by its tufted ears, ruff of fur around its face, and distinctive short tail, the lynx is a solitary and elusive predator. These cats have excellent hunting skills, preying on small mammals like deer and rabbits in their forest habitats.


In the tapestry of life on Earth, animals starting with the letter “E” weave threads of uniqueness and importance. From the majestic elephant to the enigmatic Ethiopian wolf, these creatures remind us of the incredible variety that nature offers. By understanding, appreciating, and protecting these animals, we contribute to preserving the intricate balance that sustains our planet’s ecosystems.


Q1: What is the average lifespan of an elephant?

Ans: Elephants can live up to 70 years or more in the wild.

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Q2: Do eagles mate for life?

Ans: Some eagle species form lifelong pair bonds, while others may have multiple mates throughout their lives.

Q3: How many eggs does an echidna lay?

Ans: Echidnas typically lay a single egg at a time.

Q4: How tall can an emperor penguin grow?

Ans: Emperor penguins can reach a height of about 3.7 feet (1.1 metres).

Q5: Is Elmo a boy or a girl?

Ans: Elmo is a male character on “Sesame Street.

By anupam

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